Tuesday 12 April 2011

Things my mother was right about

I scheduled this to appear on Mothers Day, but for some reason it didn't, and I've only just noticed. Better late than never......
  • Ironed sheets are really nice. I still can't be bothered to actually iron my sheets, but I do enjoy getting into a bed whose sheets somebody else has ironed.
  • I should stand up straight. The combination of appalling posture and the weight of two bowling balls suspended from little straps over my shoulders means that I frequently have a bad back. This leads onto the next point........
  • .........Spend money on decent bras that fit properly. See above comment re: bowling balls.
  • "If you're that bored, tidy your room". In fact, never mind being bored. Rooms need tidying more often than once a decade. I have accepted this as fact, and will hopefully learn to implement it before I end up one of those crazy old people living in a house full of old newspapers and broken toasters.
  • I do need to wear suncream. I went through several years of denial and sunburn before acknowledging that skin as pale as mine just will not tan like my friends' does. Embrace the pallor!
  • "It'll give you nightmares". And whatever it was, it did. Every time. In fact it generally still does.
  • The sexiest part of a man is the bit between his ears. My mum told me this when I came home from a teenage date with a boy who was very pretty but had no conversation whatsoever. I think she was a little relieved to discover I wasn't shallow enough to think this was ok.
And one thing she was wrong about.....

  • "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Actually, sometimes people are generous enough of spirit that they will give you their time, lend you their laptop or buy you a blinky squirrel badge just for the joy of making your world a happier place!


  1. But they only do it because they know you would do the same for them. Otherwise they'd treat you the way people treat a certain short actor of our mutual acquaintance, for whom I am positive there is no such thing as a free lunch.

  2. Blinky squirrels rule!!
