Tuesday 26 April 2011

Baby guilt

I'm still feeling horribly guilty about breaking a baby at the weekend. I honestly don't see how I can possibly take them anywhere ever again (assuming their parents would ever permit me to, which I wouldn't if I were them). My guilt is such that I have to hope E doesn't ask me for anything she shouldn't have before I have time to get over it. You want to watch telly even though I'm in the middle of Hell's Kitchen? Of course you may! You want to wear my very fragile owl necklace? Yes, go ahead, break it! You want my first born child? Take it! It'd probably be safer with you anyway. In fact, have anything your little heart desires, just please stop looking at me with your pretty chin all scratched up and that reproachful 'you were supposed to take care of me' look in your eyes.

1 comment:

  1. So what did you do break this baby? It can't have been that bad surely.
