Saturday 23 April 2011

Bad Auntie Megs

I took the babies to the park today; the first time I've taken them out anywhere unsupervised. This was supposed to have the dual benefits of allowing me to spend some quality bonding time with my nieces, and giving their mummy a break. Hah! It wasn't long before I realised the difficulty of taking twins anywhere. How do you watch them both?! E has a habit of grabbing the monkey bars and just swinging herself out into space. Of course when I went to hold on to her she wanted to do it "all by herself", so I held my hands a fraction of an inch from her sides and poised myself to grab. Then N called me from the other side of the climbing frame and, at the instant I turned my head, the dangling baby dropped. I caught her before she hit the ground, but she sort of flopped over my hand and went face first into the floor. I calmed down somewhat once I'd ascertained she was still in possession of all her teeth, but my hands were still shaking as I mopped up copious amounts of blood, deposited kisses on her and assured her that she was a very brave girl. As I was bundling them both into their buggy and starting to panic again, this time about the fact that I'd have to tell their mummy that I broke her baby, the uninjured infant declared "My want hurt myself too". I strapped her in double-quick. It's bad enough that I got one of them hurt, without the other one going all lemming on me. I think it may be some time before the waves of guilt subside, and even longer before I'm brave enough to take them to the park again. Oh, the baby's fine by the way. She has a scraped chin and a bitten lip, but she'll be ok. Or she will so long as evil Auntie Megs isn't entrusted with her care again anyway.

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