Friday 22 April 2011


I went with L to have a tattoo put on the back of her neck today. She's a Virgo (I try not to hold her belief in astrology against her, in the hope that she will be equally forgiving of my multitudinous insanities), so she had decided to have the appropriate symbol inked on. The thing about the Virgo sign is that it does look rather like a letter. As she emerged from the back room calling "Meg, Meg! Look!", and turned to show the letter 'M' just below her hairline, the teenage boys sitting next to me made an instantaneous and obvious assessment of our relationship. Part of me is indignant that anyone, even a complete stranger, would think I'd allow my lesbian lover to mark herself with my initial, but the other part is tempted to start treating her as my bitch on the basis that she has just officially branded herself my property.

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