Tuesday 12 April 2011

Have you missed me?

I'm back! A lovely, lovely friend has very generously loaned me his spare laptop for a while, so I now have a fighting chance of getting some writing done. I'm not going to promise any degree of regularity in my posting, since that would require the additional loan of vast amounts of extra time, most of which I would probably just fritter away on luxuries like sleep. I will hopefully be able to snatch some odd moments here and there though, to keep you updated on the trivialities of my life.

Most of said life is currently occupied with rehearsing for my latest foray into amateur dramatics (that's community theatre to the yanks out there). This time I will be playing a Catholic schoolgirl, and am becoming more and more doubtful of my ability to portray a sixteen year old. I didn't even look sixteen when I was sixteen, and that was a decade ago! Hopefully the audience will be kind enough to suspend their disbelief, or at least to refrain from throwing anything.

Would you like a 'Thing that makes me smile' before I head off? Tough, you're getting one anyway. There's a tap-dancing evangelist on the Piccadilly Line in the mornings. I've seen him three times now, and the dancing is so wonderfully joyous that you can easily ignore the fact that it's far too early in the morning to talk about Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, that would be Community Theater. ;-)
