Sunday 23 January 2011


Spoons, and cutlery in general, are a necessary evil. I appreciate the need to use them in public, but table manners are only a concession to other peoples' sensibilities; a way of making oneself pleasant to be around. I don't want to watch somebody chew with their mouth open, and they don't want to watch me eat with my fingers. At home, however, with nobody else around, they're welcome to chomp away as messily as they like, and I will almost always choose to forgo cutlery. Obviously this doesn't work with every foodstuff. A tub of ice cream requires a spoon. So does anything too runny to pick up digitally but not runny enough to drink straight from the bowl. But generally I think food just seems to taste better when eaten with the fingers. Not wanting to sound like too much of a knob, but I think it gives you more of a connection with what you're eating. It also, admittedly, sometimes gives you burnt fingers, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

1 comment:

  1. It can be taken yet further still!
