Wednesday 19 January 2011

Dark thoughts

Is it strange to be 26 years old and still scared of the dark? It makes perfect sense to me. After all, anything you could possibly be scared of could conceivably be there in the dark. It's like Schrodinger's cat. Until you open the box the cat is both dead and alive, because it's impossible to know which. Well until you turn the light on, everything that frightens you is right there. At night every window has the potential to suddenly frame a creepy face staring in at me. The space under the bed is populated with spiders and indefinable creatures ready to clutch at my ankles. Indistinct figures stand over me as I lie there, just waiting for me to close my eyes. Luckily for me, the time-honoured technique of pulling the covers right over your head is a very effective one. After all.....if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.....right? Modelling myself on an ostrich may not be the most effective lifestyle choice, but I still wish I could apply it to life as a whole. If I never had to worry about anything that wasn't right in front of my face, my stress levels would be much more manageable.

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