Saturday 1 January 2011


You may have noticed that I've added a new book list for the new year. You may not. I don't imagine that anyone is particularly interested in what I've been reading, but I wanted to keep a record of it, and if I wrote it down somewhere else I'd only lose it. I confess to being slightly disappointed in myself for only reading 58 books in a year. That's barely more than one a week. At the risk of sounding like I'm writing my own school report.......must try harder!

While I'm doing a bit of an assessment of my acheivements, I thought I'd go back to my '101 things to do before I die' list, which I posted in November 2009, and see if I'd completed any of my goals in the year or so since then. These are the ones I've managed:

34. Learn to knit - Sort of. I can't do anything fancy, but technically I can knit.
40. Get a degree - Woohoo! Worryingly the next two items on the list are to get a masters degree and to get a doctorate. Maybe I'll give it a few years.
83. Be kissed under mistletoe - Another technicality. No romance, just the decision last Christmas of a drunk friend to kiss every single person at the party under mistletoe while his girlfriend looked on in fond bemusement. It's an expression she wears a lot around him.

That's it. Three. Still, I'd already ticked off five between writing and posting the list, so that only leaves 93 to go. At the rate of three items a year, I should be done by the time I'm 57.

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