Sunday 16 January 2011

I can't think of a punchy title

On Wednesday evening, while I was on the train home, the man standing next to me started to have some sort of claustrophobic panic attack. Unfortunately, this manifested itself as him screaming at everyone to let him off the train and then, because I was between him and the door of the still moving train, taking a swing at me. The train was sufficiently packed that he wasn't able to put a lot of power into it, but he caught me square on the cheekbone. Annoyingly, given how painful it was and how distressing I found the experience, I only have the faintest of bruises and a strange red mark beside my eye. If I have to be punched in the face by a complete stranger on public transport, I should at least get a proper bruise out of it to add drama to the telling of the story.

The man ran off when we pulled into the station a split second afterwards, and it didn't seem to occur to any of us at the time to call the police. Of course lots of people are now instructing me to do so, but I don't want to. He seemed more scared than angry, and I imgine will be wary of rush-hour trains for a good long while. If only this were not also the case with me. I have no option but to travel during rush hour, and find myself getting anxious now when I do so. I keep scanning the faces of my fellow passengers to see if any of them are about to lose it. This leaves me standing there, fidgeting, eyes darting around suspiciously, meaning that the only one on the train who looks like a crazy me.

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