Wednesday 27 July 2011

The only way is up

It's been a hard couple of weeks. In fact, to be more accurate, it's been a hard 2011 culminating in a near-impossible couple of weeks. However, things now seem to be on the up. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is what it takes for you to gather up the pieces and start soldiering again, and I finally reached this point on Friday, while crying on the phone when a friend called to check up on me (My friends are saints.......saints in very heavy disguise, but saints nonetheless). He, rather bluntly, told me I was being self-indulgent and melodramatic, and, despite being a little hurt, I just had to laugh at myself. It's perfectly true but, at that point, I hadn't the strength to be anything else.

I'm feeling more bolstered now though. I have a lovely weekend behind me, and some marvellous things to look forward to in the next month. With all this good stuff going on, I've found the will to stop wallowing like a luxuriating, mud-bound hippo and inject a little positivity into my outlook. No doubt you will all be immensely relieved to hear this, if only because it means there'll probably be a lot less self-indulgent, melodramatic whining going on here. I'm making no promises of course. I may still be reduced to a snivelling wreck yet again, but at least there is the potential for cheeriness to return to these pages.

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