Tuesday 5 July 2011

Flat as a pancake

I had an offer accepted on a flat yesterday. It's a lovely, bright space in an area with only a mild to moderate risk of stabbage. I can't wait to move into it and put my stamp on it. I'm very excited, although I'm trying not to let myself fall head over heels for it, as nothing is certain until the contracts are signed, and I won't feel secure in it until I have the keys in my sweaty little palm. I can't say I'm looking forward to an extended period of anxiety over all the things that could go wrong between now and then. Weeks? Months? How long do these things take? Does anyone have a piece of string?

I'm also stressing about the teeming hordes of things to arrange. How do you sort out energy providers? Remember all the people and companies to call to advise of the address change? Ensure that your belongings are transferred safely to the new flat, rather than ending up in pieces being picked over by scavenging penguins in the Antarctic? Purchase all the multitudes of silly little things a home needs, the price of which add up horrendously when your entire wage disappears on bills and suchlike before you've had it two days? Prevent your Grandma from going so mad at the car boot that your home ends up furnished entirely with the cast-offs of an ninety year old, pigeon-fancying Yorkshireman?

No, I don't know either. I keep having to remind myself that this is a process that everybody finds stressful. It's not just me and my spectacular inability to function on any sort of practical level. This is hard for everyone. Of course, my incompetence is probably the reason that I'm resorting to whimpering and curling into the foetal position rather than actually dealing with any of these questions, so maybe it's time to get organised. First step......write a list.

1) Calm down
2) No really, calm the f**k down
3) Oh for God's sake.......pull yourself together........

1 comment:

  1. Good news about the flat, but as you say a lengthy process to go through until you can say that it is actually yours.

    Agree with your solution - write a list. And don't forget, you have friends who, can on request, provide help/advice/guidance. You just need to ask. :-)
