Saturday 13 February 2010

Daily photos 4 -9

Thus far I've done well with the plan to take a photo every day. Unfortunately I've done less well with the plan to actually get around to posting them. Oh well...the road to hell and all that. Prepare for a bumper crop of this week's photos.

Monday: An accidental photo of the inside of my bag. I was going to delete it but was quite impressed with the clarity of the shot. Apologies for the unintentional advertising.

Tuesday: My hand clutching tightly onto a vodka and soda. This was mostly an attempt to try out the sepia effect on the camera. It's one of those wonderful things that makes non-creative types like myself feel all arty and cool, whilst giving actual creative types a valuable opportunity to sneer at us mere mortals for thinking a sepia effect makes a photo arty and cool.

Wednesday: A glorious day of vintage shopping, art gallery visitation and comedy show attendance, all mixed up with drinking. What could be better? One of my morning purchases was this fabulous pair - Alphonse and Bernardo - who pretty much begged to come home with me. Yes, yes, I know, it's all very un-pc, but I never claimed to be a good person. Or if I did I was probably drunk. And wrong.

Thursday: Yeah, that's a piece of tin foil. When I got home from work I was exhausted and in pain from a nasty fall the previous night. Inspiration was not forthcoming so I photographed the foil I'd just unwrapped my dinner from. I should probably claim it's some post-modernist commentary on the beauty of the banal or something, but frankly I can't be arsed.

Friday: Tweetie lives in my sitting room. He tawt he taw a putty tat. Or two.

Saturday: I'm watching yoooooou!

1 comment:

  1. Your pupil handily gets in the way of seeing a reflection of the camera...

    Like it.

