Sunday 28 February 2010

Daily photos 14-22

Saturday: Found this pretty little clump under a tree on my road.

Sunday: This looks like it's in black and white. It isn't. I'm getting so hungry for sunshine.

Monday: Nothing says suburbia like a gulag-style frosting of barbed wire.

Tuesday: Peacocks. A terrible photo, I know, but I had an essay due in on Wednesday and was still desperately trying to write the thing, so just snapped from where I was sitting.

Wednesday: I took this on the way in to hand in my essay. I was feeling incredibly frustrated and upset that it wasn't up to the standard I would have liked, which is probably why this somewhat depressing image caught my eye.

Thursday: I love the contrast of old and new buildings in London.

Friday: Another depressing day, another depressing photo. Actually I'm amazed I remembered to take anything on Friday, since it really did suck beyond the telling of it.

Saturday: Study in yellow. I love the 'vivid colour' setting on my camera. It really does bring things up brightly.

Sunday: The first few crocuses starting to peek out. I was driven back from Bath today and, while gazing out of the window in a hungover blur, I couldn't help noticing that it's starting to be Spring. There are already lambs in the fields, and the patches of woodland and roadside scrub are showing a purple and green haze of new leaf. Everything's beginning to look sodden and lush rather than frozen. I can't wait for Spring!

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