Friday 1 January 2010

Things that make me smile Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Massive fail on the whole 'I'm going to post every day' plan. Since I've missed 4 days here is a bumper crop of things that have made me smile:

28th - My parents took me to a folk night at  local pub. Also in attendence was a young girl who, when we happened to be in the ladies at the same time, proceeded to interrogate me about myself from the next cubicle while I tried to wee. She then supervised me washing my hands, assuring me that it was ok to use the hand-drier; it wouldn't hurt me.

29th - I had a truly hellish train journey back from Derby, culminating in the train being terminated on the wrong side of London after the train in front caught fire (no passengers on board thankfully). In this whole debacle there was only one thing that made me smile: the waif of a teenage girl who valiantly insisted on helping me carry my enormous suitcase up a long flight of stairs even though it probably weighed more than she did.

30th - A hunt through my wardrobe established that I was able to put together a 1910 outfit for New Years Eve at just one day's notice and without spending a penny. I realised that, due to my tendency to accrue odd clothing for Burning Man events, I can probably fashion an outfit for most themes from things I already own.

31st - Just a wonderful party! So many people had put such an effort into their costumes. I loved running the resolution booth with Karla, where we helped people to find their new years resolutions, I loved having my portrit drawn, getting to hold a python, bumping into friends I hadn't known would be there, and the fact that the tubes were running late so I had a hassle-free journey home.

1st - I've spent today on the sofa nursing a hangover so will have to clutch at straws and offer up the flashback I had this morning to our attempts to get dressed and made-up in a corridor before the party last night. Strangely there was a man who kept taking photographs of us (we were dressed by then thankfully). Even more strangely, the man turned out not to be the official photographer as we'd thought, but the juggler. Hmm.

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