Wednesday 6 January 2010

Snowday (and smile 17)

I made an heroic effort to get into work today; struggling up the hill and spending about 45 minutes waiting for a bus which would take me past the suspended part of the Northern line. The bus never materialised though, and I was forced to call in snowbound. This was fairly annoying as, being a temp, I don't get paid for snow days. I cheered up pretty swiftly though, when my lovely local friend suggested we venture out to play in the winter wonderland. We decided to build a snow-woman and, after a fag and a quick nip from the hipflask, set to work on construction. We started out with a fairly standard snowman shape, but our sense of aesthetic nicety was offended by her bulbous deformity, so we set about whittling her into a more agreeable form. After that it's possible that we got a little over-excited. A rummage through our handbags turned up a hat, a necklace and - perhaps most oddly for a snowman - make-up, all of which were duly applied to our emerging masterpiece. When finished she acquired a poise and regality never before seen in snowkind, and we christened her Ekaterina, our Russian snow princess. Unfortunately her class was not appreciated by the toothless old man who requested to have his photo taken with her, and then proceeded to grope her bosom. Tsk.
We were truly sad to leave her, knowing the damage that can be done to a vulnerable snow princess by passing kids, dogs or chavs. Alas though, twas getting late and the pub beckoned.
Farewell fair Ekaterina! We leave you with a kiss and wish you a slow, torturous death by melting.

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