Friday 22 January 2010

Things that make me smile Nos. 30 & 31

I missed yesterday as I ended up getting home far too late to do anything other than fall into bed. I had a good evening though; first seeing 'Up in the Air' and then going for drinks with a friend. I picked the film basically because it was showing at the right time to fill the gap between finishing work and meeting my friend, but I was glad I did. It was quirky and funny, and needed only a happy ending to be perfect. I'm never quite satisfied with a book or film unless everything is tied up neatly at the end. Preferably with some kind of decorative ribbon arrangement.

Today wasn't a great day, largely due to the fact that I'm exhausted beyond all sense, but I did get to laugh at the policeman who came into the library for a surgery and ended up, despite his best efforts, joining in with baby rhyme time.

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