Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy 2012

Traditionally, at this time of year, I indulge in a bit of a whinge about my hatred of the whole New Year thing. This is for two reasons. Firstly, I detest New Year's Eve celebrations. They are always over-hyped, over-rated and over-priced. Last night, though, I found myself......well, drunk mostly.......but drunk at a low-stress party with lots of wonderful people. And I enjoyed it!

The second reason I hate the turning of the year is that the culmination of any significant period of time does seem to inspire assessment of the successes and failures encountered during that time, and to highlight current feelings, be they positive or negative. Being of a pessimistic bent, in both cases I tend to err towards the latter option. However, today I am......well ok, hungover, yes.......but also remarkably content. I have spent the day lying on the sofa watching back to back Narnia movies while tending said hangover, and the evening lying on the sofa watching back to back Harry Potter movies and sharing a bag of prawn crackers with the cat. Simple pleasures, but pleasures nonetheless, particularly since I am doing these things in my own cosy, wonky little flat. I haven't quite finished unpacking and arranging yet, but it's starting to feel like home.

Perhaps the best occurence of this year - even better than the new flat - is that I've finally managed to achieve some closure on some recent and long-standing grievances I'd been nursing. I can't begin to explain how good it feels to recognise that the perpetrators of these ills are so breathtakingly irrelevent to me, or to anything or anyone that matters to me, as to render any time spent thinking of them, time wasted. It's amazing how much this has cleared my thoughts and, like skin, sinuses and skies, thoughts are much better when they're clear!

It's nice to look forward to the year ahead and think......maybe it won't be plain sailing. Maybe things will go wrong. Maybe I will hit obstacles which seem insurmountable. But I'm starting in a good place, with a fighting chance of getting through it. Because right now, everything is ok. Just fine. And just fine is not too shabby really, when you come to think of it, is it?

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