Friday 4 February 2011


In 2011 I have slept through the night twice. I've had periods of insomnia since I was a teenager, but this is getting ridiculous. I feel lucky if I manage four hours of sleep a night. I can't remember ever being so exhausted, and it shows. My dark circles are like inky thumbprints smeared under my eyes. I'm always pale, but lately I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the windows of the tube, and I don't even look like the same species as the people around me. I look like something that's been left underwater too long; the bloated, water-bleached corpse of some long-dead fish. The very fact that I'm comparing myself to a piscine cadaver is probably a good sign that I'm going a little crazy with tiredness. In my defence, it's gone two in the morning, I've been trying to get to sleep for nearly four hours, and this is fast becoming the norm. You'd be rambling too.


  1. I saw you the other day and you were gorgeous! Nothing even remotely like a fish, be it a live or a dead one!!!

  2. That could be your perfect defence, come the zombie apocalypse. They will never spot you as an imposter.
