Friday 18 February 2011

Your wish is my command

If I found a magic lamp, the genie would be moving on to his next client before he even had time to stretch out the lamp compression cricks. I already know exactly what I want.

1) Peace on Earth. I'm aware that this makes me sound like a Miss World contestant, but it's a wonderfully all-encompassing good wish, which allows me to be as selfish as I like with my other two wishes.

2) The power of teleportation. This would also be my chosen super power were I to be dropped into a particularly accommodating and open-to-suggestions vat of nuclear waste. I'd never have to pay for a holiday again. I could go anywhere I wanted on Earth (which would also be conveniently peaceful thanks to my first wish), and then zap myself home at the end of the day to sleep in my own bed. I would also be able to eliminate the daily commute to work which, given recent public transport based events, would be a real boon.

3) This is the controversial one. I would wish to be beautiful. I know this is a horribly shallow attitude, but it's what I would want. There is actual research that shows that attractive people are more likely to get the jobs they apply for, pay rises, in fact anything they ask for. I suspect this may be partly down to the increased confidence that comes from being attractive. I spend massive amounts of time, at work and in my social life, with women who are quite extraordinarily beautiful, and I'm sure my confidence would be much higher if I felt myself their equals. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that looks are the most important thing about a person....not even close! I would never swap my intelligence or my sense of humour for a pretty face, but if I had a wish going spare, to use in whatever frivolous manner I chose, this is what I would go for. I daresay quite a few people will judge me for saying it. After all, it taps into a huge worm-filled can regarding social and cultural attitudes to women and to appearance in general. I suspect most will understand though. After all, out of all the amazing, intelligent, outspoken women I know, I can only think (off the top of my head) of two or three who don't worry about the way they look. Why not eliminate that, if you had the genie?


  1. Ah, see i disagree with 2 of those :) But not the ones you think.

    1) Because there have to be things worth fighting for. Besides, what if we were invaded by aliens after losing our sadistic warlike tendencies as a race? Did you not see that episode of the Simpsons?

    2) Current science fictiony scientific theory on teleportation is that you are essentially separating every molecule in your body from every other, essentially killing you. You send the bits to another location and reassemble them, creating a being identical in every way to you and with your memories. But the first you, the you of right now, is gone forever. Then again its magic, perhaps thats a better way :)

    3) fair enough. I'd wish to be smarter. Which is EXACTLY THE SAME. But just for the record, you are beautiful already.

  2. You are incredibly beautiful! And I don't mean "on the inside" (although you are there too). Aargh! When will you see how pretty you are? Hmmm?
