Saturday 26 February 2011

Sexual Nature

Last night L and I went to the Sexual Nature exhibition at the Natural History Museum. Here we learned many interesting facts about animal courtship and *snigger* mating. We also learned that it is necessary to physically move away from stuffed angora rabbits if one is to obey the 'do not touch' sign (and if one didn't that would lead to anarchy, no?), and that Isabella Rossellini is a complete loon. The exhibition was dotted with video screens showing short films of said loon simulating graphic sex while dressed up as various different animals. Attempts to find an example on youtube have just led to extreme excitement, as it turns out there are lots more than were shown at the exhibition. Be warned. These are genuinely weird and may scar you for life.

I would definitely recommend the exhibition if you're one of those people (like me) who likes to dot a conversation with fascinating facts about echidnas, much to the bemusement of the decidedly uninterested people who unsuspectingly set you off. I enjoyed it anyway, even if it has left me with the vague impression that men ought to be building me bowers, presenting me with pebbles and inflating their neck wattle to extraordinary proportions in order to earn my affection.


  1. I think men have been doing these things for you, but you simply havent noticed.

  2. Then they obviously aren't doing a very good job of it!
