Monday 12 April 2010

Pet hates

I have so many of these that it defies belief. I should probably learn to be more tolerant, but where's the fun? Anyway, here's a selection of my top irritations
  • Incorrect use of the word 'literally'. 'I'm literally bursting for the loo'. Really? I want to see some bladder explosion before I'll accept that as fact.
  • Books that aren't in order. Yes, I know, this is really cliched in a library worker, but it's a problem I've had since I was a child. When I go to a friend's house and their books are thrown on the shelves willy nilly it makes my fingers itch to fix it.
  • Waiters who fill your wine glass for you. Is it just me or, if you're sharing a bottle of wine with somebody, don't you wait until you've both finished your glass to top them up? I don't want mine re-filled when my friend is only halfway through hers. It just seems rude.
  • Text speak. Once upon a time I did internet dating, and would automatically reject anyone who used it. 
  • Following on from the previous one - people who say 'lol'. Just laugh for God's sake. What's wrong with you?
  • People who chew with their mouths open. I understand that some kids are never sat down at the table to eat, and it's hard to learn table manners when sitting in front of the telly on your own. But when these kids grow up do they never eat out with a friend or at someone's house? Did they not eat in a canteen at school? So how have they managed to avoid ever being told that they are revolting and make everyone else want to throw up?
  • Being waved through a doorway. I know this is a controversial one, since it's very polite of people to say 'after you', but I really don't want to walk into the room first. Please don't make me.
  • Leggings worn as trousers. At least put a long top on. Frankly, if I wanted to know that much about your front lawn I'd be trying to get you drunk right now.


    1. Yaya Pacifier Foosball12 April 2010 at 14:34

      Indeed Mr Knigge who came to fame in Germany for putting down all the rules for civilised Western behaviour said that while it is polite to let someone else walk first, this does not apply to entering public locations where one does not know what is going on inside. If someone makes you go first and then a bar stool hits your head as unanticipated mayhem is ruling the pub, it ain't polite.

      yara x

    2. Hmmm... Do you chew with your mouth empty usually?

    3. Re: Books that aren't in order

      But they may be in some other kind of non-librarianary order. For instance, date of acquisition, or their reading history. I have three tottering piles next to my bed of books that I've read this or last year. Not enough shelves, you see ...

    4. If you can justify the order to me then the OCD-ness often goes away.
