Thursday 22 April 2010

Cyclists are evil

I'll moderate that a little. London cyclists are evil. Having spent some time in bike-happy San Francisco, I am well aware that there are places in the world where people are not filled with a sudden murderous impulse towards pedestrians as soon as they get a saddle between their legs. It's just unfortunate that London is not one of those places. I'm frequently forced to jump back as bicycles tear through red lights, with no heed to the people trying to cross. Today was a new high though, as I got stabbed in the hip by a handlebar when a wheeled git mounted the pavement, ploughed straight into a group of pedestrians, hitting several of us and calling us all idiots before veering back into the road. I wish I carried a walking stick. At that moment in time nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to have poked it into the spokes of his wheels and watched him go flying.