Friday 25 September 2009

On beer, burritos and Burning Man baby! (part 3)

When Burning Man finished I made my way to San Francisco. I must now point out that travelling by R.V. is a wonderful experience. We were well underway before I even woke up, and the rest of the journey was spent lounging on the bed with the contents of the fridge within arm's reach. Bliss! Anyway, once I arrived in SF I stayed with a friend. This particular friendship bugs me a lot because I value it really highly, and absolutely adore the girl in question, but only get to see her once or twice a year due to the bloody ocean being in the way. If I could convince her to move to London I'd be a very happy bunny. I'd also be a very drunk bunny with a large bunny beer belly. This year I was introduced to the delicious Death and Taxes beer, and drank more of it than was strictly good for me. Through a straw. Not the best look, but fairly unavoidable when you've just decided to have a man put a stainless steel ring through your bottom lip. This did hamper my ability to eat and drink a little bit but, luckily, I managed before I had it done to get in my First Ever Burrito. Mmmm...that stuff is gooooood.

I broke pretty much all the rules of piercing after-care. I drank, I smoked and (after the first day) kept forgetting to clean it. I also did one thing which isn't on the list of post-piercing no-nos, but bloody well should be. Jello wrestling. I blame the novelty factor. And the beer. But mostly it was the novelty thing. I've never come across jello wrestling before as, as far as I'm aware, it's not something that often happens in the average UK pub. I don't know, maybe I'm just going to the wrong pubs, but I thought 'when am I ever going to get the opportunity to do this again?', and in I went. I got utterly trounced by an adorable, scantily clad little blonde, who got me in a choke hold so tight I thought she was going to kill me. Sporting it was not, but she did help me to hose myself down in the yard afterwards before 'forcing' (subject to exaggeration) me to drink several shots of whisky. Good times!

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