Thursday 24 September 2009

On beer, burritos and Burning Man baby! (part 2)

I've been putting off writing this post - the main account of my time at Burning Man this year - simply because it's so difficult to explain to anyone who hasn't been. I could write for days and not say anything that made sense. So here is a list of a few of my personal highlights from this year's burn:

- Documenting my trip through Mini-Meg's photo diary. People were starting to get annoyed with it by the end but the photos turned out really nicely..
- The brilliant acts at the Quixote's cabaret. Particularly Miss Pretty Kitty, Trauma Flintstone and the magician who hammered a nail through his nose.
- The stunning steampunk art car that looked like a mobile gothic house. I couldn't believe the effort that had been put in.
- The Flaming Lotus Girls' extraordinary art pieces - fantastical sculptures formed from metal and fire.
- The Nowhere Omnibus. A scheduled routemaster bus service on playa? My fellow Euroburners are nearly as mad as they are wonderful.
- Jaded burners. We took champagne and folding chairs to the Esplanade on burn night and then sat and heckled.
- The way everyone rallied to support us after we were issued a citation for unwittingly serving alcohol to the minor sent in by the police to sting us. Bastards.
- The snake threat level poster:
Green: Low risk of snakes - maintain vigilance
Amber: Moderate snake risk - increase snake awareness
Red: High risk of snakes - Prepare mongoose
Snaaaaaakes: Fucking snakes!
- Beer tasting at Abstininthe
- Jax shoving, mid-flow, the frat boy who thought it was a good idea to piss on our truck even though we were 30 seconds walk from the loos.
- The night-time parachutists who looked like circling meteors.
- Seeing so many of my friends and making some wonderful new ones.
- Emma trying to get me out of my corset. The two phrases which win the 'things you don't want to hear Emma say in this scenario' award are: "Does anyone have a knife?" and "Monty, can you help me".

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