Saturday 3 October 2009

On schemes and signing

My state of unemployment is lingering on and I find myself getting somewhat concerned by the time I have on my hands. It's all too easy to sink into a somewhat gloomy place in these circumstances. I don't much like being left alone with my thoughts at the best of times, and these are not the best of times. So, in an attempt to counteract this, I'm trying to find productive things to do with my time. It was the main reason I took up writing this blog, but no work = no money = no funding for adventures = little to write about other than daytime television. My new plan for keeping myself busy actually came to me in a dream and stuck around. Given my apparent susceptibility to dream suggestion, I should probably be grateful I didn't dream about joining a cult. Or marrying a pygmy hippo. What I have decided to do is to start learning sign language online. I have no idea when this would possibly come in useful as I don't actually know anybody deaf, but I thought it might be interesting. I've found some online resources, including some very helpful sites with video dictionaries demonstrating the signs, and made a start on my project. Today I've learnt the alphabet and a few key phrases of the 'how are you?', 'my name is...' variety. We'll see how it goes. I'm notorious for giving up on things when I get bored or they become hard, but I'm fairly determined to get somewhere with this.

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