Tuesday 12 October 2010

Whistle while you work

I started my new job this week. A quick scroll back through my previous posts reveals to me that I neglected to mention that I'd got a job. It's all rather a huge relief, and a testament to the importance of whinging about your unemployment at every opportunity, especially when at the pub. Sooner or later someone is bound to hear you and say "I've got a job you can have". Possibly just to shut you up.
Anyway, back to the point. I realised that it's been about four years since I last worked full-time, so I anticipate high levels of exhaustion until I get used to it again. Last night I was so knackered that I was in bed by 8:30, which is a little pathetic I admit, but it's 8:43 now and I'm still just about awake, so evidently I'm acclimatising already. Nervousness is surprisingly tiring you know, and I was very nervous indeed. I'm informed that I looked a little less terrified today than I did yesterday, but given that every glimpse I got of my reflection yesterday showed something resembling a small white rabbit that's just realised an entire herd of ressurected mammoths is headed straight at it, that's probably not saying much. In my defence, the job is very new to me, and I challenge anyone not to be a little alarmed by spreadsheets with figures in the hundreds of thousands, when their previous experience of finance runs to "I'm afraid that book's late and there's a fine on it. That'll be 17p please".

1 comment:

  1. Ah, bless.

    But as an aside, why should rabbits be worried by mammoths? Both are vegetarian; can run fast; burrow extensive holes (although rabbits are quicker at that old breeding game).

    Have you not heard the cry of the Neanderthal: "Arooooghagggh_ffffffu**pppp***gdmt!!" (*1)

    (*1 I appear to have tripped on a mammoth-burrow. How careless. Ouch. Silly me.)
