Sunday 17 October 2010

There are no fish in the sea

Back during my previous bout of unemployment - not the one that's just ended, the one before that - I was watching the telly when an advert came on for a certain dating website that declares its ability to find your perfect match through a series of scientific and mathematical formulae. Given that I was single and, more to the point, had far too much time on my hands, I thought I'd check it out. I spent un unfeasibly long time checking boxes to indicate things like how much importance I place on fidelity, and my level of interest in the fauna of Papua New Guinea, and clicked the 'find my matches' button. This was the response:

"Sorry. We currently have no matches for you"

I am officially incompatible with the entire world. This probably isn't surprising given my extreme levels of intolerance for....well....pretty much everything actually, and it leads me to wonder whether it's odd that I would rather be single than date someone who commits such trivial crimes as writing in text speak or disliking cats. I genuinely would though. Apparently I'm incapable of just making do with someone who's not quite perfect. Maybe I've watched too many Disney films, but I find myself unwilling to settle for anything less than the fairytale. This, of course, means that I will end up, to quote from the play I was recently in, "dying alone in a house full of old Argos catalogues and cat food". With any luck the abundance of kitty chow will prevent me being eaten by my feline companions before the smell of my decomposing body alerts my neighbours.

1 comment:

  1. No, no, no, no! Stp your fretting my dear. And DO NOT waste any money on dating sites, they are totally useless and a huge waste of money. I know, someone told me I should try them and in one YEAR I had two dates with a man I think is a closet gay, two blantant propsals for sex and a whole slew of foreign men looking to marry for citizenship. (Like I could help them there!) I did get asked out by a man in Texas, too.

    Just keep being your beautiful self, do NOT settle for just any old body, and who knows, you may drag one out of a crowd and force him to listen to silly rubbish you and a friend are making up, and he may just stick around to see what happens! When you least expect it...

    xoxoxox You are GORGEOUS!!!
