Tuesday 23 March 2010

Things that make me smile No.44

I haven't known what to do with myself today. Last night I had such horrific nightmares that it seemed like I barely slept, and when I woke this morning my voice was completely gone. I have to wonder if I was screaming in my sleep. I've been on edge all day, partly because of that, partly because I'm waiting to find out if I've got an interview for a job I really want, and partly because of a few silly things which are bugging me more than they ought to.
All in all I haven't felt much like smiling, but then I remembered the strange middle-aged man who approached me yesterday to ask a) if I wanted my driveway resurfacing and b) if I had 'plenty of boyfriends'.
How many is plenty? Ideally I could do with several partners. A geeky one for conversation, watching Buffy and fixing my laptop. A big beefy one for DIY projects and for carrying me home after one too many gins. A creative one who can whip me up a costume and take me on off-the-wall adventures. Plus, of course, one for shenanigans. If anyone knows where I can acquire these specific, task-oriented beings then please do let me know. For preference they should come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and fold up small for storage when not in use.

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