Monday 13 January 2014

Vote now

Alrighty then! My quest for bucket list suggestions has come up with 20 items. I am listing these below. Please comment, email me, fb me or send a carrier pigeon* with your three votes, and I will do the top ten this year.

Do a 10-day Vipassana silent retreat
Go a week without wearing make-up
Learn to make a hat
Make a great hat out of underpants
Learn Kung Fu
Learn to pick locks
Knit a pixie hood
Learn parkour
Make pasta
Design and fabricate a piece of furniture
Run through a field naked
Eat a food I’ve been afraid of trying
Go up in a glider
Join Gothic Valley WI
Learn mindful meditation
Try a new cheese every week (I will add ‘for a year’ to make it a goal)
Every morning for a year, look in the mirror and say out loud “Meg, you are beautiful. You have many people who love you and I love you too”
Organise and run a project at Burning Pub
Make a stop motion film with taxidermy animals
Write a comic

*late additions*
Hunt, kill, butcher and eat an animal
Take up yoga for six months

If you desperately want to add another item, tell me and I'll put it in as a late entry.

*No, I won't stuff your pigeon. Probably.


  1. My votes are for...

    Make a stop motion film with taxidermy animals
    Go on a 10 day retreat
    Make a hat out of pants

  2. Votes from a colleague for making pasta, a stop motion film and eating something I'm afraid of.

  3. Stop motion film!
