Thursday 3 November 2011

To answer your questions

I often quite enjoy the stats page of this blog, which allows me to see the searches that have led people to me. Amongst this week's offerings were two gems:

"Librarians with anger problems"
"How to make bathtime fun for cats"

I'm thrilled that their requests for information will have led them to me, as I am clearly an expert on both subjects. For the record, all librarians have anger management problems because the very act of walking into a library transforms precisely 76% of the public into moronic, aggresive neanderthals with an over-inflated view of their own self-importance and a conviction that counter staff rank at approximately the level of the average Victorian scullery maid, and the best way to make bathtime fun for cats is to fill your tub with an array of shiny tropical fish. Now you know.

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