Wednesday 5 October 2011

Do you want to cheer me up?

I've contracted some sort of dire and dreadful lurgy, which leaves me lying on the sofa in a snivelly state, with occasional forays bathroom-wards so my body can attempt to expel orally the non-existant contents of my stomach. You wanted to know that, didn't you? I apologise if you're reading this while eating your lunch.

The point is, I'm pretty miserable right now. Also bored. So I'm trying to amuse and cheer myself by getting people to vote for a friend of mine to get his dream job. I am, as you know, one of the universe's biggest cynics and pessimists, and this guy is my polar opposite. He takes genuine pleasure from helping other people out with their projects, always has a smile on his face and never has a bad word to say about anyone. Despite all this, I actually think very highly of him, and he really would be extraordinarily good at this job. So.....if you feel the slightest inclination to make me happy (and you wouldn't want to make me sad now, would you?), please click on this link, scroll down and press the 'like' button. Go on......prove to a grumpy girl that sometimes good things do happen to good people!

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