Monday 2 May 2011

Minicab driver WLTM BBW with GSOH

At about 7:00pm on Saturday night, while on Hackney Marshes, I was hit with the realisation that I was supposed to be attending a friend's play that night. A quick phone call established that I had until 7:45 to get to Old Street. Fortunately this is reasonably close, and achievable with the assistance of a taxi, so I aimed for the nearest main road and crossed my fingers for a minicab office. Having found such a thing and made my needs known to the woman at the counter, she started trying to contact a driver. As he failed and failed to pick up his phone, I started to get more fretful about my ability to make it to the theatre on time. After a while, the lady turned to me and said "Darlin', he's not picking up, but I know where he is. Can you just pop into the pub across the road and shout 'Sidney'. Tell him he's to take you to Old Street, and when he gets back Cynthia's gonna kill 'im". This struck me as embarrassing beyond all reason, but I did it because I had committed to attending this play, and I'm that good a friend (although apparently not a good enough friend to remember where I was supposed to be and leave enough time to get there. It's a very specific degree of friendship, precisely midway between those two points). Having found Sidney and set off, I was forced to politely fend off his very sweet and strangely old fashioned attempts to court me en route; efforts which apparently impaired his sense of direction, since he managed to get lost mere metres from our destination and start heading back the way we'd come. Still, I made it to the theatre with mere seconds to spare, and I should probably be grateful. So if any girls out there would like to meet a sweet taxi driver with a poor internal compass, who just wants to meet a nice cuddly lady, get married and settle down, then all you need to do is pop into the pub across the road from Station Cars and shout for Sidney.

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