Tuesday 20 July 2010

Things that make me smile No.63

Caterpillar! I know that's an odd thing to smile about, but I genuinely can't remember seeing a caterpillar since I was a child, and this was a really good one; bright green, several inches long and as thick as my thumb. It was trundling determinedly across the pavement on its nubbiny legs like a little mobile piece of foam rubber. I sat on the wall and watched it for a while but then some Johnny-head-in-air Old Street trendster narrowly missed treading on it, so I moved it onto the grass. I was tempted to take it home and put it in a jam jar and see what it would grow up to be, but I didn't think it would enjoy the hour long tube journey.


  1. "nubbiny legs"

    Lovely phrase.
    Plus you're no.1 on Google when searching for it.

    x, Martin

  2. Of course I just had to check that out.
