Monday 21 December 2009

Things that make me smile No.1

Moaning, whinging, griping, name it, I do it. It's one of my more irritating habits, and something I'd really like to break myself of. With this in mind, I'm going to attempt to post, each day, one thing that makes me smile. I don't intend to limit myself within that brief, as I suspect there will be days when I'll struggle to find something, so it could be anything.

Here is the first installment:

At the end of the working day, as I walk from my library to the station along London Wall, I pass a very old church called All Hallows. Since it's dark by the time I leave work, I get to enjoy the full effect of the disco ball and spotlights that they've installed in their belltower. I don't know who came up with the idea but it's really effective. It casts hundreds of spangles on the road and the surrounding buildings, and never fails to make me smile.

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