Saturday 26 December 2009

Things that make me smile - Christmas special

I missed a day again. Christmas day is not a day when it generally occurs to me to go online and, even if I did, I would doubtless be far too inebriated to write anything coherent. Many, many things made me smile yesterday however.
I had a lovely Christmas lunch with my family at my aunt's house. My mum tends to get a little stressed out by the menagerie of dogs underfoot and cats atop kitchen counters when we go there, but I find the chaos amusing. Even more amusing was when said dogs pulled my cousin off her feet on the icy path when we took them for a slightly drunken walk. By which I mean, of course, that we were drunk. The dogs were stone-cold sober. How else could they orchestrate the intricate tangling of leashes that required us to dance around each other, under and over, like some kind of bizarre and inefficient maypole?
I was also chuffed to bits with an incredibly generous cash gift from my Grandparents, which will enable me to relax my purse strings a little, then had to laugh at myself when the first thing I thought to treat myself to was a new stick blender. Rock and roll I am not!
Oh well...I wish you a very merry Christmas, and toast you with soup. Or I will when I get my new stick blender.

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