Sunday 27 December 2009

Things that make me smile No.7

We went to see acts of Morris being committed at the local pub, and my Grandad, who's a retired coal miner,  leant over to me and whispered "what do you reckon'd happen to them chaps in tights if they did that outside pit gate?"

Saturday 26 December 2009

Things that make me smile No.6

Today the thing that made me smile most was hearing that my little nieces in Canada loved their present from me. I misjudged their birthday presents, giving them something that had to be put away until they're a little older, but apparently I got it right this time, and the touch-and-feel board books were a big hit.

Things that make me smile - Christmas special

I missed a day again. Christmas day is not a day when it generally occurs to me to go online and, even if I did, I would doubtless be far too inebriated to write anything coherent. Many, many things made me smile yesterday however.
I had a lovely Christmas lunch with my family at my aunt's house. My mum tends to get a little stressed out by the menagerie of dogs underfoot and cats atop kitchen counters when we go there, but I find the chaos amusing. Even more amusing was when said dogs pulled my cousin off her feet on the icy path when we took them for a slightly drunken walk. By which I mean, of course, that we were drunk. The dogs were stone-cold sober. How else could they orchestrate the intricate tangling of leashes that required us to dance around each other, under and over, like some kind of bizarre and inefficient maypole?
I was also chuffed to bits with an incredibly generous cash gift from my Grandparents, which will enable me to relax my purse strings a little, then had to laugh at myself when the first thing I thought to treat myself to was a new stick blender. Rock and roll I am not!
Oh well...I wish you a very merry Christmas, and toast you with soup. Or I will when I get my new stick blender.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Things that make me smile No.4

When I pulled out the freezer drawer today to get some ice for my gin and tonic, I glimpsed my mother's scrupulously labelled stores and got a little chuckle from the memory of why she started labelling everything so carefully. Defrosting some leftover gravy to add flavour to a stew is just fine until you discover, a little too late, that it's actually butterscotch sauce.

Things that make me smile No.3

I missed yesterday due to spending all day either at work or in the car. I did get a smile when issuing a book though, when I noticed that the customer's first name was Einstein. Somebody's parents had high hopes!

Monday 21 December 2009

Things that make me smile No.2

There Are Cats in This Book
While processing children's books in the library the other day I came across a picture book called There Are Cats in This Book by Viviane Schwarz and was absolutely enchanted. It is simply illustrated, with an almost non-existent plot, but there is something indefinably charming about it. I haven't been so pleased with a picture book since I dicovered Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed

Things that make me smile No.1

Moaning, whinging, griping, name it, I do it. It's one of my more irritating habits, and something I'd really like to break myself of. With this in mind, I'm going to attempt to post, each day, one thing that makes me smile. I don't intend to limit myself within that brief, as I suspect there will be days when I'll struggle to find something, so it could be anything.

Here is the first installment:

At the end of the working day, as I walk from my library to the station along London Wall, I pass a very old church called All Hallows. Since it's dark by the time I leave work, I get to enjoy the full effect of the disco ball and spotlights that they've installed in their belltower. I don't know who came up with the idea but it's really effective. It casts hundreds of spangles on the road and the surrounding buildings, and never fails to make me smile.

Saturday 5 December 2009

On Decompression. duvets and disaster

Today is the day of Decompression, the annual London Burning Man party. It's a very exciting affair, full of all the performance, art and elaborate costuming that one would expect from a Burning event. My friend Katie and I decided to get stuck in this year and organise a room. Both of us are incapable of getting through an all-night party without a little snooze in the corner somewhere, so we came up with the idea (well, Katie came up with the idea and I agreed enthusiastically) of a sleep room. A mobile bedroom where people could come for a disco nap. We're setting up a bed, providing people with earplugs and eyemasks and making a note of when they want to be gently woken from their slumbers.

Knowing that I would have to go straight to the venue to help set up after work today, I set my alarm early to allow myself plenty of time to get everything packed up for the event.
You can see it coming can't you?
The crushing inevitability of what happened next?
Yeah, my alarm didn't go off. I woke up with just 30 minutes to pack up everything I needed, get showered, ready and out to work. I made it to work on time - miraculously - with dripping wet hair and no make-up on, then realised I'd forgotten the duvet I was supposed to bring and my ticket. Oh well, not major disasters. I can get away with showing my email confirmation and ID instead of the ticket, and we have other duvets.

Unfortunately, as I wrote this, we were informed that the futon we were borrowing has suddenly become unavailable. We are now, with just 6 hours until kick off, without a bed for our bedroom. This is a problem. We've sent out pleas on the Burning Man mailing lists and on Facebook, and can now only cross our fingers that it'll all be alright on the night!