Friday 21 August 2009

On lists, laziness and lingering

This time next week I'll be on my way to Reno. Just one day after that I'm heading on to my favourite place in the world...Black Rock City. This will be my third year at Burning Man, and I'm more excited than I can say. I am also, unfortunately, more unprepared than I can say. I came home from the European regional burn, Nowhere, around a month ago, but due to circumstances beyond my control (ok, ok, due to laziness and lack of organisation) my bags are still sitting, full of dirty clothes and dust, in the dining room. Funnily enough, the stuff I need for a week in the Nevada desert is the same stuff I needed for a week in the Spanish desert. All of this is a particularly convoluted way of saying I have a lot of laundry to do. And laundry is just number one on my to-do list; a list which currently comprises 24 tasks of varying length and complexity. Within this list there are three seperate sub-lists, one with a sub-sub-list of its very own. I am the queen of to-do lists. If only I were so good at to-doing.

One thing I have to do is work out my plans for my first night in the US. My flight arrives in San Francisco on Thursday afternoon, but the friend I'm travelling with doesn't arrive until the next day. This leaves me to decide whether to get a hotel room near the airport or to sleep in the arrivals lounge. I have a fairly tight budget for this trip, and the hotels are pretty expensive, but do I really want to spend 24 hours trying to sleep, eat and use the toilet whilst guarding my belongings? Funnily enough I don't, but the $60 saved would buy me quite a lot of beer. It's a tough call. How do you think airport security would feel about me pitching my tent by customs? I could pull out the roll mat and sleeping bag and set up a comfy little camp, with all my bags and gear stowed safely inside. All I'd need is a supply of snacks and a wide-necked bottle and I could stay put for the whole 24 hours.

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