Saturday 13 November 2010

You learn something new every day

Today I have learned not to allow babies to play with my mobile phone. Last number redial is far too easy to press.

I should probably talk about something other than babies, shouldn't I? Apologies for the recent excess of auntie-blogging, but when you live with them they do rather tend to fill up your home and, by extension, life.

So what else have I learned today, that does not relate to small children? Erm.... that's a good question. I suppose I've learned that spending most of the day on the sofa watching back to back episodes of Come Dine With Me is not conducive to my continuing education. I've also learned that going to the bank on a Saturday means using one of those paying in machines, which in turn means being forced, through aggressive impatience disguised as friendly helpfulness, to assist the myopic, technophobic old lady in front of me in the queue to use said machine, and then getting my hand chewed by the envelope chute when attempting to use it myself.

I think that may be the sum of today's learning experience.

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