Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 bucket update

So what have I ticked off the old bucket list this year?

Mudlarking on the Thames - I actually loved this, and have every intention of doing it again. While my friends gathered scraps of broken crockery for mosaic work, I accumulated a giant bag of old animal bones. These sat muddily on the side of the bath for several weeks before being washed and artistically arranged, in that time leading one friend to declare that my bathroom looked like a serial killer's.

Go to Glastonbury festival - not only did I go, I perfomed there as a storyteller. I'm now totally spoiled of course, from the powerful wrist tag access, crew showers and free food, and so can probably never go back as a punter.

Change somebody's life for the better - you know, when I wrote this list, I expected this to be some huge dramatic event. I would donate a kidney, or knock someone from the path of a speeding train. Instead, my gift, the action that caused one of my friends to declare that I had changed her life, was.....shall we say?......one of education. It turns out that it is quite possible to reach the age of 30 without ever realising that, with some exceptions, it is perfectly acceptable (nay, expected!) to flush a tampon after use. Fortunately I was at hand to provide this information, and said friend now thinks of me every time she does this, ensuring that she cannot forget me until menopause. Now that's longevity.

Well those were the year's accomplishments. I am actually going to edit the list a bit next year. There are things on there that I no longer wish to do, and I am also going to replace some of the vaguer ones with things that are solidly achievable. I will post an updated version when that's done. But for now, a happy new year to you all. I hope 2014 brings you everything you wish for. Unless you're wishing for the elimination of all kittens or something, in which case what the hell is wrong with you? Go sit in the corner you sicko. No 2014 for you.

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