Wednesday 23 January 2013

Norovirus update - day 2 (you may think you don't care, but you're wrong)

Last night I set up a nest of duvets in the bath but, by the early hours of the morning, was too weak and exhausted to climb into the bath, so spent another night curled up on the floor. At one point I did manage to drift off to sleep, only for the cat to viciously attack my right foot. Said foot is now covered in little stinging puncture wounds. I hope she catches norovirus. Actually no, I don't, I'd only have to clean up after her.

A couple of hours ago I managed to keep down (for almost 15 minutes!) several sips of gatorade and a nibble of ryvita and, with the resulting energy, ran a cable into the bathroom so I could use my laptop in my nest, and bled the radiator so I don't freeze to death in here. It would have been very butch if I hadn't had to crawl.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't matter if anyone cares - as I found with Chicken Pox, recording this horribleness is highly therapeutic! Hope things are (however slowly) improving. xx
