Monday 16 July 2012

To labour the point

Today I travelled into work on the tube, as usual. Less usually, I was perched bolt upright in my seat, trying to protect my fractured coccyx, and occasionally letting out an involuntary whimper or yelp as I was jolted by the movement of the train. After a couple of stops the woman opposite me leaned across the aisle, put her hand on my knee and said the only thing which could have made me more miserable at that moment in time........."Are you OK? Are you in labour?".

1 comment:

  1. I actually laughed out loud at this one.....sorry.

    Your posts are amazing, you do come across some odd people on your journey's. On a lighter note, will you be able to make the bbq this Saturday, I will provide the rubber ring!

    Jill xx
