Tuesday 27 September 2011

Where do you draw the line?

A lot of women do their make-up on the tube or train. I don't, if I can avoid it, since my manual dexterity is not up to much at the best of times, and adding unpredictably lurching vehicles to the equation is inevitably going to result in a glamorous streak of lipstick up my cheek, or a mascara wand to the eyeball. It doesn't bother me when I see other women making such use of their commute though. If they can successfully beautify themselves whilst being rattled around like beans in a maraca, then more power to them. There is a line though, and that line was well and truly crossed by the woman I saw this morning, who was thoroughly and matter of factly drying her hair with a towel on the train. Drying her hair! On the train! With a towel! That's odd, right? Nobody else even seemed to bat an eyelid.

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