Sunday 5 August 2012

Washing Machine Repair for Dummies with Back Injuries

Chapter one - things to remember

  • Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
  • Your back is injured.

Chapter two - shit not to do

  • The Internet will suggest pulling out and tipping the machine. Do not attempt this.
  • Do not pull the cap off the drainage hose with your teeth.
  • Do not underestimate the volume of water the machine contains or the stagnant rankness of it when you subsequently get a mouthful.
  • Do not overestimate a) the capacity of a dish or b) the absorbency of a towel.
  • Do not ever leave a draining washing machine unattended (see above).
  • Do not assume the cat will not attempt to drink filthy filter water even though her water bowl is mere inches away.

Chapter three - things you will find in the filter

  • Fluff
  • Playa dust
  • Diamantes
  • Lollipop stick
  • Glowstick connectors
  • Donkey finger puppet

Chapter four - post-draining

  • Return clean filter to position (with difficulty).
  • Switch on machine.
  • Discover machine still doesn't work.
  • Cry.
  • Desert feminism and wish you had a boyfriend or butch girlfriend to fix this for you.
  • Give up and pour a gin.


Chapter five - twenty minutes later

  • Return to machine and press 'on' again in the vain hope that it will have miraculously fixed itself.
  • Discover miracles really do happen!
  • Pour another gin.


  1. This donkey finger puppet. Was it yours? How does that even happen?

  2. Yes, it was mine. I wasn't aware I had lost it, so it can't have been terribly precious to me.
