Saturday 18 June 2011

Faintly embarassing

Yesterday I had a bit of an incident at work, and managed to faint in the corridor on my way to the office. Despite my assurances that I was perfectly able to work (which I wasn't), and would no doubt feel much better soon (which I didn't), my line manager insisted on putting me in a cab home. I dozed on and off during the journey, picking up odd snippets of opinionated peoples' commentary on the Greek economic crisis from the radio, and experiencing strange moments of not-quite-lucidity. At one point the cab pulled up at a set of traffic lights and, out of the window, I glimpsed a huge shiny sign for an 'agnostic centre'. My addled brain was churning with the idea of a centre hosting endless debates on any and all subjects, none of which could ever be permitted to reach a conclusion, when the car moved on a fraction, and the sign was further revealed to read 'DIagnostic centre'. How disappointing. But by then I had nodded off again, wakening a little later to be struck with intense pity for the headless mannequin in a nearby shop window, which was reaching out its hand, with a peculiar gesture of yearning, towards another mannequin which, despite also being headless, was quite clearly turning dismissively away.

Needless to say, I was hugely relieved to get home and safely tucked up in bed, where I spent the remainder of the day wavering between sleeping and waking, periods of feeling fine, and others of room-spinning vertigo. So far this morning, the bad phases seem to be much fewer and farther between, but I still feel decidedly wobbly. I don't know what to blame for it. Labyrinthitis has been suggested, but I don't really think it's bad enough to be that. Besides, wouldn't I have an earache? All I have is a headache. Oh well. If I don't feel better by Monday, I'll go to the doctor. Until then I shall just self-prescribe a quiet day, and hope that I'm well enough to help L with her van loading tomorrow as promised.

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