Wednesday 16 March 2011

Normal service will resume shortly - hopefully

I try to keep this blog lighthearted, as I'm sure most of my readers would rather hear about origami roadkill than the state of my brain. Sometimes, however, that means that a week goes by without me posting, as now, because there seems to be very little to be lighthearted about. The fact is that I'm having one of those times where it starts to feel like my life is crumbling around me, and I've lost all semblance of control over it. What with trying to sell the house, my long-term insomnia and far too many other issues which I am either unwilling or unable to discuss in this forum, the pressure of going about my day to day business is building uncontrollably. Any one of the things I'm currently dealing with would be manageable on their own, but I sincerely doubt my ability to cope with them all at once.

Added to this, of course, is the overwhelming feeling of guilt I get every time I open a newspaper or turn on the television. How dare I be broken by what my friend Spike calls 'First-world problems', when natural disasters and national unrest dominate the news. I bet half the population of Japan would think themselves damn lucky right now to have a house to sell or a bed to lie awake in. With any luck my sense of perspective will re-assert itself soon, and I can go back to babbling about things that don't matter to anyone. In the meantime, I'm reinforcing the daily 'things that make me smile' posts in order to stomp on my negative mind-set. Watch this space for the most desperate grasping at positivity ever seen in this world or any other......

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