Saturday 18 September 2010

Wakey wakey

I fell asleep on the tube on the way home last night, which is rarely a good idea. Happily I live at the end of the line, and was woken up when the train got there by a tiny, elderly Venezuelan man. I know he was Venezuelan because it emerged we were going in the same direction, and I ended up walking most of the way home with him. I wouldn't normally pick up strange men at train stations, but it's hard to feel threatened by a five foot nothing octogenarian who tells you that you remind him of a dog he had when he was a little boy . Apparently it had hair just like mine. I can only assume it was a red setter. Anyway, my new best friend chattered away to me until the time came to go our separate ways, at which point he uttered the words I hear so often from the old people who talk to me at bus stops and in supermarkets:
"You seem like a nice girl....I have a son......"
I have to wonder whether these men know that their parents are pimping them out to every random girl who has the manners to smile and nod while they talk. And do all ageing relatives do this? Do I need to worry that my Grandma is trying to sell me off to every nice young lad who gets her the washing powder from the top shelf in the Co-op? And if so, what do I do about it? Tell her to stop? Or give her a list of my requirements and send her forth?

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