Saturday 14 November 2009

On careers, cats and contentedness

I've been at my new job for a couple of weeks now and am feeling exhausted but happy. My last (and only other)job was such a nightmare staff-wise that my perspective was completely skewed. I had no idea how nice it would be to work with people who are friendly and welcoming. I felt comfortable and unthreatened at the new library within an hour of arriving there and for me, gauche to the point of social retardation, that is nothing short of a miracle. Much to my surprise I'm genuinely enjoying being back at work, having a routine and chatting to the public in the library. I'm sure given time the novelty will wear off and I'll return to my customary state of misanthropy and cynicism, but for now I'm making the most of this unprecedented burst of job-satisfaction.

Another thing that's making me cheerful at the moment is the unintentional acquisition of a new pet. I came home on Sunday to find a tiny kitten in my kitchen eating my cat's food while said oversized tom sat by and watched her in confusion. Over the next couple of days I chucked her out repeatedly, but then the torrential rains started. I just didn't have the heart to put the poor scrawny little thing out in the downpour, so I let her stay. After some quick calls to the RSPCA and the local vet to find out if she'd been reported missing I decided to keep her. Since she's far too young to be out and about I'm keeping her in, and am highly impressed by how quickly she got to grips with the litter tray, even if she does find it rather too entertaining to play with the litter. She's also very affectionate. After a day or two of running away from me and quaking when I cam near her, she now happily curls up with me on the sofa and enthusiastically attempts to wash my fce for me. I've tried to explain to her that I'm perfectly capable of dealing with these issues of personal grooming for myself, but she's quite determined.

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